Thursday, November 28, 2013

Tray 1.

Pictures of Tray 1.
Here's what my lower aligners look like.

Here's a side view of my lower aligners. I circled where my attachments are.

Here is the other side of my lower aligners with more attachments.

Here is what my top aligner looks like.

Where the two pink lines are is where the two attachments are on my front tooth.

Here is the side view of my aligners, more attachments.

Here is the other side of the top aligners...more attachments.

The aligners just pop in over the attachments.

Here's a picture of my teeth with the aligners in. You can see the attachments on my front tooth. But from a distance it's not nearly as noticeable.

Here is the other side of my mouth. I think once my gap starts to close you won't notice the plastic as much.

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