Thursday, November 28, 2013


Hope you didn't think I would have a blog with no pictures. In fact I'm going to have tons of pictures. Some of the blogs I looked at lacked enough pictures. So I figured I would create the helpful blog full of pictures and all of the information I would like to read.

The pictures posted show how large my gap is and all of my attachments. I have 17 total attachments. read that right 17. That's 17 attachments on 14 teeth. Yup, that means some teeth have more than one attachment. Yup, 17 attachments. I keep saying that because it's A LOT.
Here you can see how large my gap is. Can you see it right between the top two teeth? And I have a few smaller spaces in my lower teeth.

Here is a side view of my teeth. You can see the attachments here as well. I have two on my front tooth and some on both the top and bottom.

Here is the other side. More attachments.

Here's a front view of my mouth without the aligners. Again you can see the attachments.

Here's another front view.

Here's a shot of my bottom teeth. You can see there's not a whole lot to straighten here. I only have 11 trays for the bottom.

Here's that large gap again.

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