Thursday, November 28, 2013


THEE DAY—November 26, 2013.

Now I realize that I would get my Invisalign a couple days before Thanksgiving. However, I thought this could either be the worst idea ever or the best diet ever. I say this because I’ve read that Invisalign can be just as painful as traditional braces when you first get them. So, I choose to look at this in the more positive light…best diet ever.

Anywho, back to the installation. During my dentist (I keep saying dentist but I mean Orthodontist) appointment, they fit the templates over my teeth to make sure they fit, and they did. Then comes the attachments or buttons or whatever you want to call them. These attachments are tooth colored bumps applied to certain teeth to help with movement of your teeth. I have a lot… like 12 or something like that, maybe 15. I didn’t actually count them, but if someone wants me to I will. To put the attachments on they clean your teeth and put a primer and cure some glue to the teeth. Then my Ortho takes the templates and fill the groves on the aligner with some tooth colored composite, fits the aligner to your teeth and a blue curing light is applied to temporarily permanently (I say this because they come off at the end of treatment) attach the attachments.

After you get your attachments, my Orhto placed the first set of aligners in. He gave me a total of 3 sets of aligners (including the set in my mouth). Next visit is in six weeks.

In case anyone is wondering how long my treatment is and how much it cost, see below.

Total Treatment Time: 70 weeks (That is 35 upper trays and 11 lower trays)
Cost: $4500 (received a $250 discount for the promotional event)
Note: Each tray is worn for 2 weeks for 22 out of 24 hours in a day

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